IP Litigation

We specialize in litigation involving trademark infringement, copyright infringement, plant breeder’s rights, passing off and unlawful competition, design infringement, licensing disputes, advertising disputes, counterfeiting, company name objections, domain name objections, trademark oppositions and cancellations.

Litigation may involve proceedings (petitions/action or on motion) in the High Court, Supreme Court and Constitutional Court in South Africa, the effective management and supervision of such litigation in jurisdictions across Africa and around the world, arbitrations and mediations, administrative proceedings before government agencies, tribunals, and registry officials, and complaints before self-regulatory private bodies and tribunals.

Litigation remedies may include permanent, temporary and urgent injunctions (interdicts), damages, recovery of royalties, delivery up orders of infringing goods, declaratory orders, cancellation of rights, Anton Piller orders (in South Africa) for the preservation of evidence pending litigation, interlocutory relief, taxation of bills of cost, settlement agreements and the enforcement of those.
